It is so very very important yet some of us tend to think of it in a way that isn't what it's really all about. The mental game to some may mean "win at all cost" or " think positive" but it is so much more important then that.
Training physically is used for every athlete, for our daughters it has become more and more intensive over the years. We now have speed and agility coaches, weight training all of these for some girls under 14 in fact most.
Yet we fail our daughters for the most part, the most important part. Her self esteem,self confidence and mental strength, not just in the game but in her life. Most of us have heard of life coaches by now,for every aspect of your life,they are basically cheerleaders for you in whatever life area you may need that extra push/boost. They help you set goals and help you get back in touch with your self worth. This is what needs to be applied to our young girls, our athletes. They are not just robots they are young ladies after all and besides positive reinforcement they do need a mental cheerleader in their own mind. Something inside of them that helps them get to that next level.
Smart coaches are already using this,some organizations are applying it at all age levels. I think it is amazing and our girls need it, we need to find a way to help them emotionally and mentally to be an all around athlete and self-assured young lady.
Sports should not just teach our young women about winning and losing but also how to grow into a positive,confident and successful young woman who will make a difference in this world! We already know how great they are, let's help teach them how to believe it 100% themselves!
Click below for a site you may want to check out to get you started....
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