But where does that leave the rest. We all have heard at one time or another the superiority that west coast softball players have when comparing them to the rest of the country. Is it because of the weather, the coaching methods,the style they use in hitting the ball? I am curious what everyone thinks. When it comes to youth softball opinions are like ...... for our purposes we will say noses everyone has one. What is your opinion? Do you believe the coaching is better and if so why? or is it the ability to play almost year round.
If you took a player at the age of 14 from lets say New York and matched her position for position, bat against bat against a 14yr old from So Cal would the California girls skills blow her away?
If this is the case how can we in the midwest,eastcoast adopt these skills for our girls? I know of some places in New England that have unbelievable indoor facilities. Can we simulate year round awesome weather? Is that the answer training year round?
Weigh in on this for me because I am curious. I have heard fastpitch parents at games saying the worst player on the west coast can be compared to the best player in any other part of the country.
Or is it that the sport is more popular in the warm weather states?
Can't wait to hear your thoughts!
Happy fastpitch!
As an after thought I am looking for ideas on my next post according to what you all are discussing in your neck of the woods. What seems to be the topic on fire? And for another post I would love for you to send me your top teams from all over the country 10/12/14/16 name of team and coach how long they have been together, accomplishments etc I will be showcasing teams from each age group. Probably 3. Pictures of team (the cooler the better)! :)
You can send these to queensofthediamond@gmail.com
I think the reason the west is almost always better is simply because the teams stay together at an early age on up for the most part, you would be hard pressed to find that in other parts of the country!Just my opinion anyway.